First Papers Submitted


The lead-up to Christmas was a little hectic last year. I was trying to write up the results of two pieces of work I had been doing throughout the year for journal submission - I had...

Written on January 3, 2017
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Conference Talks

I’ve just finished attending an international conference where I presented two papers. What was I thinking? Never again. The amount of preparation for a talk - even a 20-minute talk - is a lot. Weeks of creating the slides and...

Written on September 3, 2016
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Multi-State Array Combinations in C#

So, what do I mean exactly by multi-state array combinations? Part of the work I am currently doing requires me to calculate all possible combinations of an array of values of a fixed size, each value having three states. Each...

Written on April 11, 2016
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The Candidacy Proposal Presentation

Yesterday I presented my “Summary of Research Project” to the School in which I am enrolled. This is part of the process of obtaining confirmed candidature, which basically means you are given the go ahead to do some actual research....

Written on November 26, 2015
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Being the IT Guy

I work in a secure office with a small team of researchers. I am a software developer; they are mathematicians, analysts and researchers. We have a secure network with five servers in a secured “cupboard” inside the office. The university...

Written on March 17, 2015
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Statistics in .NET

My development environment of choice is Visual Studio and C#. I have a lot of experience with it and I feel more productive than other environments. I have used Java (with Eclipse) in the past and some elements of my...

Written on December 5, 2014
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Applying for a Higher Degree by Research

It has been some months since I started my new job, but I still haven’t submitted my “Application for Admission to a Higher Degree by Research”. To be honest I was hoping that I’d be enrolled and cracking on with...

Written on December 4, 2014
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New job. New blog.

I’ve been working as a software developer for the best part of 20 years now and I’ve always had commercial realities impacting my work and the work that I really want to be doing. There was always someone else (ultimately)...

Written on November 12, 2014
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